Friday, January 23, 2015

First real workout during this pregnancy!

Thanks to hypermesis gravidium (extreme morning sickness)
I haven't been able to do much but now that I'm starting to get some energy back and the sickness goes away by lunchtime I figured I'd try to do something. My husband bought me a spin bike as part of our agreement to get pregnant with our 4th. I wanted a spin bike and a vita-mix and now I have both. I also just bought my daughter a trampoline for her birthday which I have always wanted but obviously won't be jumping on that bad boy till after baby gets here and even then having had 4 kids may make that impossible or at least embarrassing (I've heard so many stories about women wetting themselves while jumping).
Anyway.... Wish me luck with my upcoming workouts! 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Disney Side Home Celebration!!!!!

Yay! So excited!!! This will be one awesome party! Stay tuned for my unboxing.... My Disney Side Home Celebration Kit will be here next Tuesday!