Monday, December 7, 2015

4-in-1 Skin Perfecter Painlessly Removes Blackheads and Instantly Boosts Skin's Radiance

Requires Only 3 Steps, 3 Minutes, 3 Times A Week To Reveal Perfect Skin
Improves Skin Appearance, Brightness, Radiance, Skin Texture & Smoothness

The Skin Perfecter is an ultrasonic, "do-it-yourself" professional beauty tool that transcends the ordinary cleansing of vibrating brushes and other similar devices. This non-invasive, rechargeable beauty tool combines four skin treatments into one tool to deep cleanse, exfoliate, extract, and infuse serums and other topical treatments for smoother, brighter, perfect-looking skin.

Professional-strength ultrasonic waves gently and visibly improve lines and wrinkles, pores, texture, clarity, and smoothness after every treatment. Just three steps, three minutes, three times a week! 

In clinical studies performed over a period of only two weeks, 100% of participants showed an immediate improvement in skin exfoliation, while 84% of participants saw improvement in overall skin appearance, 80% of participants saw immediate improvement in brightness, 69% of participants saw an immediate improvement in radiance, luminosity and healthier-looking skin, 65% of participants saw an improvement in the appearance of skin texture and smoothness, and 50% of participants saw an improvement in appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Resonating at an amazing 28,000 vibrations per second, the Skin Perfecter gently glides over wet skin, producing ultrasonic waves that pulverize water, creating micronized particles that deep cleanse pores of excess oil and impurities, exfoliate cellular debris, extract imperfections, reduce the appearance of enlarged pores, and resurface lines and wrinkles. As an added benefit, its pulsating ultrasonic waves accelerate the absorption of serums and other skincare products, which is confirmed by the clinical study, producing far more effective results than massaging products into the skin by hand.

The Skin Perfecter features an easy-to-hold ergonomic design

4 levels of intensity

a battery indicator that lights up when the device is charged

a rechargeable battery that allows more than 2 hours of operation

an automatic alarm and shut off after 10 minutes

a DC power supply adapter

The Skin Perfecter is lightweight, portable, and never requires a replacement brush, cartridge, or disc. 

Click HERE to order yours today!

To learn more about The Skin Perfecter click HERE or call (888) 327-8188! 

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