Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Protect Your Unborn Baby from Everyday Radiation with Belly Armor's Healthy Child Healthy World Limited Edition Belly Blanket!

When I became pregnant with my first child, I was a banking executive who was constantly connected to my mobile phone, smart phone and laptop. Like most expectant mothers, I researched extensively on how to give my child the best start in life. All sources advised pregnant women to eat healthy, exercise, and avoid toxins like alcohol and certain chemicals – all of which I did diligently. However, one obvious component in my everyday life which concerned me, about which there was little advice, was the radiation-emitting devices that surrounded me at home and at work. What were the health impacts of those?

I researched more into this “everyday radiation” exposure, and was shocked at what I discovered. Increasingly, research was indicating potential health risks from everyday radiation (non-ionizing radiation emitted by sources like cell phones, computers, wireless towers and power lines). Already it was well-accepted that this type of radiation can have a biological impact and there was much confusion and debate around how it impacts our health. The concern is greatest for young children and during pregnancy when DNA replication and cell growth are at their highest rates. Compounding the risk is the exponential growth in wireless technologies over the past decade – today’s children will be exposed to levels of radiation unprecedented in human history. I worry that we are in that gap between scientific knowledge and public awareness. If history is any indication, it can takes years and even decades for scientific evidence to conclusively affirm health risks and then translate into policies to safeguard people (such was the case with tobacco, lead, asbestos, and x-rays).

In light of the emerging evidence and advice from health experts, I felt that more people, particularly those with children, needed to know. Concerned with the lack of awareness and options, my co-founders and I launched Belly Armor with a two-fold mission: (1) To increase awareness of this health issue so others can make more informed decisions for themselves and their families, and (2) to provide effective solutions and simple tips for those who want to lower their exposure.

We did this by bringing in expertise and relevant resources, and connecting with the scientific and medical community. Today, Belly Armor’s website is viewed by people all over the world, and our products are sold in more than 30 countries – a testament that many expecting and current parents worldwide have similar concerns about everyday radiation. Inspired by the feedback and support we have been receiving globally, the Belly Armor team is ever more dedicated to our mission.

No doubt technology has significant benefits for our lives. However, we should be more informed about their potential risks and utilize them more safely. It’s similar to taking simple but risk-reducing actions such as wearing seatbelts and staying within speed limits when driving cars. Most of us were not surrounded by electronic devices since birth, but our children will be for many more hours each day and many more decades than any of us were ever exposed to during our adult years.

Learn more on our website so you can decide what works best for your family. There are simple changes you can make in your life, and simple habits you can instill in your children which can benefit them in the years to come.

Inform yourself and your loved ones. Help us spread the word.

To a healthier tomorrow,


Co-Founder and CEO

For a limited time only, we are featuring our popular Belly Blanket Organic in a limited edition design benefiting Healthy Child Healthy World.

For every Healthy Child Blanket sold, $10 will be donated to the non-profit organization Healthy Child Healthy World*. For more than 20 years, Healthy Child has been empowering parents to take action and protect their children from harmful environmental risks. Learn more at www.healthychild.org.

Instructions: During pregnancy, drape over your midsection while sitting or lying down.

My Review:
Protect your unborn baby from everyday radiation with Belly Armor's Healthy Child Healthy World limited edition belly blanket! Radiation is all around us but when we become pregnant we become more aware of all the harmful things we encounter throughout our day. I'm a heavy laptop user because I can sit on the couch and use it while I watch a few shows. Because of this my laptop is very close to my belly which is cause for concern if your pregnant. I also use my tablet and smart phone a lot and like most of us it's held directly over my stomach while in use. With Belly Armor's Healthy Child Healthy World limited edition belly blanket you can protect your unborn child from radiation by simply draping the blanket over your belly. I also love that it feels just like a normal blanket. When I first heard of Belly Armor's belly blanket I quickly pictured the heavy cover they put over you at the dentists before x-rays but this blanket is nothing like that. It's soft, lightweight and perfect for keeping your belly warm and protected. 

I also love that it's a limited edition Healthy Child Healthy World because Healthy Child Healthy World is doing amazing things to help protect children from harmful environmental risks and I fully support their efforts!

If you're pregnant, know someone who is or are even considering becoming pregnant you need one of these Belly Armor belly blankets!

Click HERE to purchase!

Click HERE to find a store near you that sells Belly Armor!

Click HERE to learn more about Belly Armor!

Follow Belly Armor on social media!


Disclosure: I received product(s) for free, in exchange for my honest review. I only recommend products I've used personally, and believe will be good fit for consumers.

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