"Inspired by the world of Playmobil® toys, embark on a series of adventures with the Super 4 as they travel throughout the wider Playmobil® universes. Whether it be a sci-fi futuristic world, a magical fairy world, a world of pirates, or a world of medieval knights, the adventures are never ending! Welcome to Enchanted Island, an island covered with a mysterious enchanted forest, which is home to every form of magical creature you could ever imagine fairies, mischievous boy sprites, unicorns, sirens, ancient tree spirits, and magic wishing wells. Visitors to Enchanted Isle must beware for nothing is ever quite what it seems, and dreams and reality quickly become one. At the center of the forest is the palace of the capricious Fairy Queen, who is in a constant temper due to being turned into a frog by a talented young fairy who overdid herself and, in an attempt to grant the ultimate favor to the queen by making her even more pretty , she cast a spell that in fact gave her the head of a frog! Unfortunately, that talented young fairy is our friend, Twinkle. Twinkle has great potential as a fairy but she must learn to master her wand and its magic. Join Twinkle along with her Super 4 friends as they band together to fight villains and save their worlds from chaos."
My Review:
Super 4: Welcome to Enchanted Island! is a super duper fun DVD for kids! Inspired by the world of Playmobil® toys kids will embark on a series of adventures with the Super 4 as they travel throughout the wider Playmobil® universes. My kids love Playmobil® toys so this DVD was right up their alley. In Enchanted Isle nothing is ever quite what it seems which makes it ever so interesting. My kids absolutely love this DVD and have watched it multiple times! It's filled with action and adventure and keeps my kids attention extremely well. My kids love the fairies and creatures throughout. It's the perfect way to relax indoors this summer!
Click HERE to purchase!
NCircle is committed to providing quality children’s entertainment that builds a solid foundation of early learning skills upon which future educational success can be built. NCircle’s award winning brands engage your child in the learning process, using the interdisciplinary STEM approach, teaching reading readiness, science concepts, problem solving tactics, social skills and environmental awareness, while entertaining them with song, dance and laughter. Through all physical and digital platforms, we provide Entertainment that Educates.
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Disclosure: I received product(s) for free, in exchange for my honest review. I only recommend products I've used personally, and believe will be good fit for consumers.
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